Do I take pictures often?
I think I do. How often? Depending. I can bring my carry on camera for a half-day adventure, or because I'll be out of home for a few hours doing errands and I decide to go out with my camera. Some other times I just want to go out and take photographs because I am inspired, and I feel the urge to do it. I like to think it's some kind of impetus that is both: helpful and challenging, and I enjoy it all along the process. Since the moment I take my camera, until (anxiously) download my artwork.
But there are also great occasions to photograph, around us all the time. Regardless of the field of the event, if it arouses enough interest or admiration in you, you will surely find a great happening. That naturally engages you to do a micro-project. As it often happens to me.
Last year, I shot the Iron Man 70.3 Los Cabos. A fantastic event where pro and amateur athletes compete in a total of 70.3miles between swimming, cycling, and running activities. I have always admired sportspeople for their endurance and determination. I have never been an athlete, just a happily washed-up sportsman. Delighted about the race, if someone else is doing the running! Well, my primary purpose in last year's edition of Iron Man was trying out sports photography, using high-end sports gear. For that, Nikon Mexico was so kind to send me two amazing long-range zooms. For a moment, I was feeling like a Pro Sports Photographer, carrying big lenses with a monopod. It was quite a fantastic experience, you can find the collection following this link: Iron Man 70.3 Los Cabos, Mx.